Regular Article
Approximate moment dynamic of stochastic resonance facilitating bistable energy harvesting systems
Department of Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, 710049, Xi’an, China
Institute of Mathematics, Henan Academy of Science, 450046, Zhengzhou, China
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Stochastic resonance, as a counterintuitive effect between weak coherent signal and noise in certain circumstance, has attracted wide attention from energy harvesting design. In this paper, our aim is to examine in a systematic way how much the efficiency of energy harvesting can be improved under the help of stochastic resonance effect. To this end, a typical bistable energy harvesting system excited by noise and weak periodical signal is taken into account. The phenomenon of stochastic resonance in the energy harvesting system is then displayed via the moment method of derivative matching closure. Finally, the energy harvesting efficiency in presence of the effect of stochastic resonance is analyzed and compared with the energy harvesting efficiency in absence of this effect.
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