EPJ ST Special Issue: Evolution of Fractals in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
- Details
- Published on 13 June 2024
Guest Editors: A. Gowrisankar, Santo Banerjee
Fractals and dynamical systems are a two-sided coin which attracts contemporary scientific attention via Chaos. Fractal structures appear candidly in dynamical systems, in particular associated with the phase space and time plots. Further, self-similarity serves as a bridging paradigm between fractal analysis and dynamical systems. On the one hand, self-similarity is an essential trait of fractal sets, along with complex geometric structure. On the other hand, it is associated with an array of symmetries in dynamical systems, for instance, scaling of space or time. As symmetry is a property of many physical laws that regulate the processes described by dynamical systems, it grabs high attention in engineering applications. In recent times, fractal-fractional calculus is getting remarkable attention among the fractal community as it effortlessly applied over the dynamical systems. Applying fractional derivative on the dynamical systems helps to study the memory effects and non-local behaviours of nonlinear systems, whereas the fractal-fractional operators greatly aid to uncover hidden fractal characteristics in the chaotic attractors. Additionally, it generalizes both integer-order and fractional order calculus under certain conditions. Fractal-fractional literature acknowledges a concrete study on scaling and self-similarity appearance in chaotic motions of physical processes besides non-local behaviours. This brief note stipulates exploring the physics behind different evolutionary processes, such as climate dynamics, epidemiology, hydrology, and economics, via the pertinent combination of fractal geometry and nonlinear dynamic models. By providing a powerful visual language for describing complex and chaotic systems, fractals can effectively help to gain a deeper understanding of the system’s underlying patterns and structures.
With this instigation, the special issue “Evolution of Fractals in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems” is devoted to collecting articles that propose robust fractal theories to address and analyse the complex nature of nonlinear dynamical systems. Further, it aims even the non-specialists to understand the fractal procedures in physics, by connecting the twofold chords of fractals and dynamical systems.
We invite papers on any of the potential topics listed below, but not limited to:
- Fractals in Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization
- Comparison of Chaotic Attractors using Fractals
- Multifractal Approaches for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
- Fractal-Fractional Operators in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
- Lyapunov Exponents and Bifurcations for Fractal-Fractional Models
- Stability Analysis of Fractal-Fractional Chaotic Systems
- Fractal-Fractional Biological Models
- Fractal-Fractional Climate Models
- Fractal-Fractional Systems for Stock Market Analysis
- Fractal Dimension for Complex and Hyperchaotic Systems
Call for papers:
We invite the authors to submit their original research articles and review papers on Evolution of Fractals in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems.
Articles should be submitted to the Editorial Office of EPJ ST via the submission system, and should be clearly identified as intended for the topical issue “Evolution of Fractals in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems”.
Submissions should follow the guidelines of EPJ Special Topics, which can be found here. For the preparation of the manuscripts a special latex template (preferably single-column layout) is available here.
Guest Editors:
A. Gowrisankar , Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Santo Banerjee , Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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