Regular Article
Slow remagnetization of ferrofluids with internal structures
Ural Federal University, Lenina Avenue, 620083, Yekaterinburg, Russia
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We present computer simulations of magnetization dynamics of a ferrofluid whose particles can form internal heterogeneous structures. Our results demonstrate that evolution of these structures significantly affects rate of the fluid remagnetization. Due to this evolution, characteristic time of the magnetization relaxation of the simulated ferrofluids after stepwise change of the applied field was in the range of 2.9·10–3 to 1.7 s; that is several orders of magnitude more than the relaxation time in the systems of the single, non-interacting particles. The obtained results can be useful both for basic research of ferrofluids, as well as for bio-medical applications of these systems, like magnetic hyperthermia, magnetic biosensing, etc.
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