Regular Article
Towards the theory of crystal growth ahead of the moving solid–liquid phase interface: a U-shaped anomalous behaviour of the crystallization velocity of melt undercooling
Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Chemical Processes in Multiphase Media, Department of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Ural Federal University, Lenin ave., 51, 620000, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Otto-Schott-Institut für Materialforschung, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität-Jena, 07743, Jena, Germany
Laboratory of Multi-Scale Mathematical Modeling, Department of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Ural Federal University, Lenin ave., 51, 620000, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
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Motivated by the experimental data on a U-shaped anomalous behaviour of the crystallization velocity of melt undercooling, we develop a new mathematical model of combined directional and bulk crystallization of the undercooled binary melt. The model is based on the crystallization along a spatial direction caused by temperature difference between the solid and liquid phases as well as nucleation and growth of crystals in an undercooled two-phase region placed between these phases. Appearance, evolution, and attachment of particles to the phase interface accelerate its motion and lead to a U-shaped anomalous behaviour. A high non-linear mathematical model describing the heat and mass transfer, crystal growth, and motion of phase transition boundaries in a self-similar manner is analytically solved by means of the saddle-point technique for evaluating the Laplace-type integral and the method of small parameter expansion of the temperature, solute concentration, and melt undercooling in Taylor series. As a result, temperature and solute concentration profiles, solid-phase fraction, crystal-size distribution, and two-phase region boundaries are analytically found. This solution enables to get the crystallization velocity as a function of melt undercooling leading to a U-shaped anomalous behaviour. The theory is in agreement with the experimental data on crystallization of Al-rich Al–Ni alloys.
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