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Aggregates of magnetic nanoparticles with fractal-like structure: nucleation and magnetic response
Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ural Federal University, Lenin Avenue, 620000, Ekaterinburg, Russia
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Magnetic nanoparticles can be taken up by cells, resulting in the formation of non-dense aggregates. These aggregates can be considered as multi-core particles (MCPs). The different spatial arrangements of the nanoparticles within the MCP result in a specific response to an applied magnetic field. In this study, several series of fractal-like MCPs with different numbers of magnetic nanoparticles and fractal dimensions are assembled. Computer Monte Carlo simulations are used to predict the magnetic response of the constructed MCPs and to investigate the influence of the structure on the static magnetic properties of the MCP. It is shown that the MCP magnetisation is larger for aggregates with lower fractal dimension. This is due to the formation of compensating contours of magnetic moments of nanoparticles in MCP with large fractal dimension. It is also shown that the arrangement of the nanoparticles in the MCP mainly in the field direction promotes a more efficient alignment of magnetic moments, which increases the magnetic susceptibility and magnetisation of the MCPs. The results obtained make it possible to reveal peculiarities of the behavior of fractal-like MCPs in the cellular environment, which provides a theoretical basis for the development of innovative diagnostic and treatment methods.
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