An experimental test of the scaling prediction for the spatial distribution of water during the drying of colloidal films
Department of Physics, University of Peradeniya, 250400 Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, UK
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A Peclet number, Pe, for the drying of colloidal films can be used as a predictor of the uniformity of water concentration in the direction normal to the film. Uniform drying is predicted to occur when Pe < 1, whereas with , a layer of packed particles is expected to develop above a more dilute layer. Routh and Zimmerman have more recently proposed that the particle concentration gradient between the packed and dilute layers,
, will scale as
. Here, this scaling relation is tested experimentally with magnetic resonance profiling data obtained from waterborne colloidal films dried under conditions to yield a range of Pe. It is found that
increases with Pe but scales as
. This disagreement with the prediction can be attributed to an underestimate of Pe when there are greater non-uniformities of drying, because of an unquantified slowing down of the evaporation rate.
© EDP Sciences, Springer-Verlag, 2009