Hard X-ray high kinetic energy photoelectron spectroscopy at the KMC-1 beamline at BESSY
BESSY GmbH Albert-Einstein-Str. 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany
Department of Physics, Uppsala University, Box 530, 75121 Uppsala, Sweden
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Photoelectron spectroscopy at high kinetic energy is a research field that receives an increasing interest due to the possibility of studying bulk properties of materials and deeply buried interfaces. Recently, the hard x-ray high kinetic energy electron spectroscopy facility (HIKE) at BESSY in Berlin has become operative at the bending magnet beamline KMC-1. First results show excellent performance. Electron spectra have been recorded using x-ray energies continuously tunable between 2 keV and 12 keV. Using back-scattering conditions in the crystal monochromator very high resolution has been achieved for photon energies around 2 keV, 6 keV and 8 keV.
© EDP Sciences, Springer-Verlag, 2009