Regular Article
Performance characteristics of No-Wall-Losses Hall Thruster
Plasma Propulsion Lab, Institute of Advanced Power, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001, P.R. China
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Received: 25 August 2016
Revised: 24 October 2016
Published online: 3 August 2017
A 200 W No-Wall-Losses Hall Thruster (NWLHT-200 W) is designed and processed to verify the technology of pushing down magnetic field with two permanent magnetic rings. To create a magnetic field, NWLHT-200 W uses two permanent magnetic rings (inner and outer) in the absence of magnetic screen or magnetic component. The anode is at the internal magnetic separatrix position, and the thruster shell is hollow to enhance the heat dissipation of ceramics. The magnetic field strength at the channel outlet is 90% of the maximum magnetic field. In this study, the experimental results concerning the thrust, discharge current, specific impulse, and efficiency are presented and examined. Our experiments show that “no erosive discharge” of wall is achieved within the range of 120–460 W; the maximum efficiency of the anode may reach 49%. The thruster designed can work stably for a long time, without any auxiliary heat dissipation equipment (heat pipe or radiator), which significantly prolongs the life of Hall thrusters.
© EDP Sciences, Springer-Verlag, 2017