Regular Article
Revisiting asymptotic periodicity in networks of degrade-and-fire oscillators
Laboratoire de Probabilités,
Statistique et Modélisation CNRS – Univ. Paris 7 Denis Diderot – Sorbonne Univ.,
75205 Paris Cedex 13, France
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Published online: 12 December 2018
Networks of degrade-and-fire oscillators are elementary models of populations of synthetic gene circuits with negative feedback, which show elaborate phenomenology while being amenable to mathematical analysis. In addition to thorough investigation in various examples of interaction graphs, previous studies have obtained conditions on interaction topology and strength that ensure that asymptotic behaviors are periodic (assuming that the so-called firing sequence is itself periodic and involves all nodes). Here, we revisit and extend these conditions and we analyse the dynamics in a case of unidirectional periodic chain. This example shows in particular that the updated conditions for asymptotic periodicity are optimal. Altogether, our results provide a novel instance of direct impact of the topology of interactions in the global dynamics of a collective system. Dedicated to the memory of Valentin Afraimovich.
© EDP Sciences, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature, 2018