Regular Article
Statistical analysis of tipping pathways in agent-based models
Institute of Mathematics, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Zuse Institute Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Department of Complexity Science, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany
Department of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
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Agent-based models are a natural choice for modeling complex social systems. In such models simple stochastic interaction rules for a large population of individuals on the microscopic scale can lead to emergent dynamics on the macroscopic scale, for instance a sudden shift of majority opinion or behavior. Here we are introducing a methodology for studying noise-induced tipping between relevant subsets of the agent state space representing characteristic configurations. Due to a large number of interacting individuals, agent-based models are high-dimensional, though usually a lower-dimensional structure of the emerging collective behaviour exists. We therefore apply Diffusion Maps, a non-linear dimension reduction technique, to reveal the intrinsic low-dimensional structure. We characterize the tipping behaviour by means of Transition Path Theory, which helps gaining a statistical understanding of the tipping paths such as their distribution, flux and rate. By systematically studying two agent-based models that exhibit a multitude of tipping pathways and cascading effects, we illustrate the practicability of our approach.
© The Author(s) 2021
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