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Analysis of MHD micropolar fluid flow over a vertical plate with regular and irregular boundaries
Department of Mathematics, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Padur, 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Mathematics, VIT Chennai Campus, 600127, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Nizwa, Nizwa, Oman
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The flow of micropolar nanofluids affected by the phenomena of MHD and thermal radiation through a regular and irregular vertical plate is examined in the present study. The primary goal of the research is to investigate the influence of boundary irregularities on the flow and heat transfer phenomena while considering the phenomena of Brownian motion, MHD, thermal radiation, and thermophoresis. The similarity transformation is applied to the flow’s governing momentum and energy nonlinear coupled partial differential equations, converting them into linear coupled ordinary differential equations. The coupled ODEs are numerically solved using a quasilinearization technique and finite difference schemes. The physical effects of Brownian motion, MHD, heat radiation, and thermophoresis are explored through data and illustrations. The importance of MHD in controlling flow and boundary layer thickness is demonstrated in particular by showing the impact of crucial physical parameters such as the buoyancy force and the Brownian motion parameter. Also, more significant effects on velocity, temperature profiles, and heat transfer rate are observed in irregular boundaries than in regular boundaries.
G. Iyyappan, N. Govindaraj, Abhishek Kumar Singh, C. Nirmala, Pankaj Shukla and Dhananjay Yadav have contributed equally to this work.
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