Regular Article
Design of functional estimation-based controller for the stabilization of time-delayed systems
Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT University, 600127, Chennai, India
Institute of Actuarial Science and Data Analytics, UCSI University, 56000, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Applied Mathematics, Bharathiar University, 641046, Coimbatore, India
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This research delves in addressing the stabilization challenge in linear time-varying delayed systems through the utilization of functional observers (FOs) in feedback control. More precisely, a linear function or functions of the system states are estimated, driven by the available system inputs and outputs. Instead of using traditional methods that estimate the complete set of states, this strategic inclusion enables the estimation of certain functions of the states. The benefit of this novel approach is that it does not require the observed system to be observable. We define stability conditions in terms of linear matrix inequalities, based on the Lyapunov theory. The gain matrices are taken into consideration based on predetermined standards. Finally, we provide numerical illustrations and simulation outcomes to showcase the feasibility and efficiency of our proposed control approach.
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