2023 Impact factor 2.6
Special Topics

Editorial Board

Shahriar Afkhami, Institute for Data Science Affiliated Faculty, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey, USA

G. Ambika, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, (IISER) Thiruvananthapuram, India

B. Ananthanarayan, Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India

Kurt H. Becker, NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, New York, USA

Klaus Blaum, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany

Roberta Citro, Dipartimento di Fisica "E. R. Caianiello", Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy

Pere Colet, Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos (IFISC), Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Miroslav Dramićanin, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Peter Hänggi, Fakultät für Physik, Universität Augsburg, Germany

Morten Hjorth-Jensen, Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway

Baohua Ji, Institute of Biomechanics and Applications, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Holger Kersten, Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Germany

Sivarama Krishnan, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai, India

Jürgen Kurths, Potsdam Institut für Klimaforschung, Germany

Franck Lépine, Institut Lumiere Matiere, Villeurbanne, France

Grzegorz Litak, Department of Applied Mechanics, Lublin University of Technology, Poland

Jingting Luo, Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Advanced Thin Films and Applications, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China

Norbert Marwan, Potsdam Institut für Klimaforschung, Germany

Len Pismen, Department of Chemical Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel

Yves Pomeau, Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

Günter Reiter, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Freiburg, Germany

Helmut Schiessel, Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB), Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

Filippos Sofos, University of Thessaly, Lamia, Greece

Didier Sornette, Department of Management, Technology and Economics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Eric Suraud, Laboratoire de Physique Quantique, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France

Martin Weigel, Institute of Physics, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany

John G. Weisend II, Lund University, Sweden

Managing Editors
Sandrine Karpe and Vijala Kiruvanayagam (EDP Sciences) and Sabine Lehr (Springer-Verlag)
Dear Sabine,
On this occasion, may I also thank you for your support: collaboration with you is always very pleasant and effective. Have a nice day, yours, Yurij

Yurij Holovatch, National Academy of Sciences, Lviv, Ukraine
Editor EPJ Special Topics 216, 2013

ISSN: 1951-6355 (Print Edition)
ISSN: 1951-6401 (Electronic Edition)

© EDP Sciences and Springer-Verlag