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Dynamical analysis of non-electric guitar-like instruments with single saddle via Hopf bifurcation
Department of Mathematics, The Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University), 624 302, Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu, India
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In this work, the string network of non-electric n-stringed guitar-like instruments with a single bridge saddle is modeled based on the standard model of bidirectional associative memory (BAM) neural networks. These kinds of instruments play a lead role in many orchestras. Hence, the approximation of the accuracy of sound is more important. To attain accuracy, instead of considering an integer order system, we scrutinize the fractional order system of the proposed model with leakage and communication delays. Then, Hopf bifurcation is analyzed for the proposed fractional ordered delayed system. Also, Hopf bifurcation anti-control is investigated for the same system because an anti-controlled system is more efficient than a non-anti-controlled stable system. Finally, the stability switching region is derived. Moreover, the viability of the obtained theoretical results is verified for real-time four-stringed guitar model.
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