EPJ Plus Focus Point on Rewriting Nuclear Physics Textbooks: Recent Advances in Nuclear Physics Applications
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- Published on 18 March 2022
Guest Editors: Nicolas Alamanos, Carlos Bertulani, Angela Bonaccorso, Angela Bracco, David M. Brink, Giovanni Casini, Maria Agnese Ciocci, Valeria Rosso & Michele Viviani
This collection of articles contains some of the lectures presented at the Summer School ``Re-writing Nuclear Physics textbooks: recent advances in nuclear physics applications" which was held at the INFN Sezione di Pisa and Department of Physics of the University of Pisa in July 2019. The School followed two previous editions dedicated to "30 years with Radioactive Ion Beam Physics" and "Basic Nuclear Interactions and Their Link to Nuclear Processes in the Cosmos and on Earth" also held at the same place in July 2015 and 2017 respectively.
The objective of each school was to attract and educate the best possible students introducing them to the wonders of modern Nuclear Physics. The 2019 edition concentrated on applications in various contexts of our modern society such as: the study of air pollution, cultural heritage via archeometry, detectors for radioactive waste monitoring and civil security, hadron therapy, innovative radio-pharmaceuticals, muonic atoms, neutron rich nuclei. These subjects are rarely covered in standard basic Nuclear Physics textbooks.
All articles are available here and are freely accessible until 18 May 2022. For further information read the Editorial