2023 Impact factor 2.6
Special Topics

EPJ ST Special Issue: Theoretical Precision Studies of Processes in High Energy Colliders

Guest Editor: Narayan Rana

Precision physics is at the current frontier of particle physics research. Albeit the grand success of the Standard Model to explain most of the particle physics phenomena, it still remains an incomplete theory due to its lack of success to explain some important puzzles like the existence of dark matter etc. On the other hand, the signatures of new physics remain well-hidden in the haystack of current high-energy collider data. In the search of such signatures, precision studies of both the theoretical and experimental frontier must be performed. The high energy description of the Standard Model is perturbative in nature and the theoretical precision studies involve the computations of these perturbative higher-order corrections. The field of precision studies is growing rapidly and is of great interest to young researchers.

A collection of articles on the topics of precision physics was inspired by a recent meeting that took place in the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) India, which brought together around 80 researchers. Many of them will be contributing to the issue. In addition, the editor of this collection would like to invite all researchers in the field to contribute mini-reviews, overview talks as well as original research articles that fit into the rubric of this collection. The authors should clearly state how their article would enrich the collection while submitting.

Submission deadline: 31 January 2025

Articles should be submitted to the Editorial Office of EPJ ST via the submission system, and should be clearly identified as intended for the topical issue “Theoretical Precision Studies of Processes in High Energy Colliders”.

Submissions should follow the guidelines of EPJ Special Topics, which can be found here. For the preparation of the manuscripts a special latex template (preferably single-column layout) is available here.

Guest Editor:

Dr. Narayan Rana, 512 FC, School of Physical Sciences, National Institute of Science Education and Research, Jatni, Odisha 752050, India, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Open Access: If the CORRESPONDING author is affiliated to an institute that has an Open Access agreement with Springer, the OA publication - if verified - is paid by the agreement partner. All OA agreements are listed with more details here. Eligibility will be automatically verified when the corresponding author is requested to complete the relevant affiliation information after acceptance of the paper during the production process. Corresponding authors not affiliated to institutes with Open Access Agreements are redirected to proceed with “Please select your publishing model” and have to decide between paying the current Open Access fee - for details see How to publish with us | The European Physical Journal Special Topics (springer.com) and Open Choice programme) - or choosing the subscription option without any publication charges.

Managing Editors
Sandrine Karpe and Vijala Kiruvanayagam (EDP Sciences) and Sabine Lehr (Springer-Verlag)
Dear Sabine,
On this occasion, may I also thank you for your support: collaboration with you is always very pleasant and effective. Have a nice day, yours, Yurij

Yurij Holovatch, National Academy of Sciences, Lviv, Ukraine
Editor EPJ Special Topics 216, 2013

ISSN: 1951-6355 (Print Edition)
ISSN: 1951-6401 (Electronic Edition)

© EDP Sciences and Springer-Verlag