2023 Impact factor 2.6
Special Topics

EPJ AP: Vincent Mauchamp new Editor-in-Chief

The publishers of The European Physical Journal Applied Physics are pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Vincent Mauchamp as new Editor-in-Chief.

Vincent Mauchamp is Professor at the department of Physics of the University of Poitiers. After a master’s degree in Condensed Matter Physics, he received a PhD in materials science from the University of Nantes where he worked on the characterization of lithium-ion battery electrodes using Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy. After a post-doc at the INSA Lyon, he joined the Pprime institute in 2007. His research activities are now mainly focused on the electronic structure, electronic properties and functionalization of two-dimensional transition metal carbides - so-called MXenes - as probed by different kinds of spectroscopies (EELS, XPS, optical spectroscopy, XAS, etc), and combined to Density Functional Theory simulations.

EPJ AP: Philippe Moreau new Editor-in-Chief

The publishers of The European Physical Journal Applied Physics are pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Philippe Moreau as new Editor-in-Chief.

Philippe Moreau is an alumini of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques (ENSIC in Nancy, France : "Grande Ecole" specialised in Chemical Engeneering). During his PhD at University of Nantes, his focus became redirected towards the study of materials and their characterisation through advanced spectroscopies (XAS, EELS...) and electronic structure calculations. While at the Cavendish Laboratory (Cambridge, England) in his postdoctoral position under the supervision of Prof. A. Howie, he developped an expertise in Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy in a Transmission Electron Microscope. He became Assistant Professor at the University of Nantes in 1998 and full Professor in 2019 and teaches inorganic chemistry, electron microscopy and, photon and electron based spectroscopies. He is now assisting in managing a group of 50 members developing research on materials for storage and conversion of energy.

EPJ Applied Physics presents Review of EELS over the last 50 years by Christian Colliex

‘In this special volume, we are deeply honored to publish an extensive review, by Christian Colliex, of the development of Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) in a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)… We warmly thank Dr. Colliex for this contribution that will undoubtably become a major reference for researchers in the electron microscopy and materials science community.’
Damien Jacob, Suzanne Giorgio and Virginie Serin

From early to present and future achievements of EELS in the TEM
By Christian Colliex

EPJ AP Highlight - Training for the first international nano-car race

A 3 step driving along the Au(111) track. The black cross indicates the tip position for the inelastic tunneling excitation of the Dresden molecule-vehicle.

The first international nano-car race will be held in Toulouse, France, during spring 2017, with the participation of six international teams. The training session of the Dresden Team is reported here.

To prepare their participation, Eisenhut et al. exercised on the Toulouse LT-UHV 4-STM reconfigured for the race with 4 independent controllers (one per scanning tunneling microscope (STM)). Their findings are reported in EPJ AP.


EPJ AP Highlight - Silicon Plasma Wave Receiver for Terahertz Wireless Communication

The signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the Si-CMOS receiver versus modulation frequency of the 300GHz carrier. The inset shows the block diagram with the main components: the patch antenna, the plasma wave FET, with schematically shown damped plasma oscillations, and the integrated wide-band amplifiers chain.

This paper presents the design, manufacturing and characterization of an integrated circuit (IC) that uses the plasma oscillations phenomena in silicon nanotransistors (Si-CMOS) for the detection of a 300 GHz-carrier-frequency wireless signal. We present the strategies for a Si-CMOS-based, wideband, integrated circuit receiver comprising: (i) a physics based, specific plasma-wave-transistor design, allowing impedance matching to the antenna and the amplifier, (ii) a patch antenna engineered through a stacked resonator approach and (iii) a broadband amplifier that uses bandwidth enhancement circuit techniques.


EPJ AP Highlight - Emergent gain materials for active photonics

Example of an optical waveguide containing colloidal quantum dots. When the nanostructures are optically pumped the waveguide propagates and confines the photoluminescence. Above a certain threshold light is amplified.

Nowadays semiconductor nanostructures developed by colloidal methods have emerged as an alternative to the classical III-V semiconductors and rare earth technologies to provide active functionalities in photonic devices. Their outstanding optical properties include high absorption cross section, high quantum yield of emission at room temperature, or the capability of tuning the band-gap with the size/base material. As a consequence, these materials have been successfully applied in several fields, such as photodetection, amplification, generation of light or sensing. For these purposes their solution process nature provides a cheap fabrication, and an easy incorporation on a broad range of substrates and photonic structures. This review summarizes the great effort undertaken by the scientific community to construct active photonic devices based on semiconductors fabricated by chemical methods. The works compares the performances demonstrated by semiconductor nanocrystals (colloidal quantum dots, quantum rods and quantum wells) with those provided by organometal halide perovskites, and describes their appropriate integration into photonic architectures (waveguides and cavities) to achieve stimulated emission.


EPJ AP Review - Imaging, single atom contact and single atom manipulations at low temperature

The LT-UHV-4-STM head and a 5.12 x 5.12 nm2 STM image of a letter C constructed atom by atom with 6 Au ad-atoms on Au(111) using here scanner PS3. I = 50 pA, V = 500 mV with ΔZ = 0.12 nm. Single atom manipulations tunnel resistance: 333 KΩ.

The new ScientaOmicron LT-UHV scanning tunneling microscope is installed at Pico-Lab CEMES-CNRS (Toulouse) with its 4 STM scanners performing on the same surface. At 4.3 K, we report state-of-the-art STM experiments on Au(111) usually performed on the most stable single tip LT-UHV scanning tunneling microscopes.

Operating the 4 scanners independently or in parallel with an inter tip apex distance lower than 100 nm, the ΔZ stability is better than 2 pm per STM. Single Au atom manipulations were performed on Au(111) recording the pulling, sliding or pushing signal. When contacting one Au ad-atom, a jump to contact leads to a perfect linear low voltage I-V characteristics with no averaging. Two tips surface conductance measurements were also performed with one lock-in and in a floating sample mode to capture the Au(111) surface states via two STM tips dI/dV characteristics. This new instrument is exactly 4 times as precise as a single tip LT-UHV STM.


EPJ AP Highlight - Slowing dynamics of a supersonic beam

2D imaging of the slowed Ar* supersonic beam for a final velocity vF = 61 m/s. From this image, one can easily extract the beam divergence and the coherence radius with respect to the position and size of the effective source.

The present investigation of the slowing dynamics of a supersonic atom beam by a counter-propagating resonant laser light, in other words the dynamics of atoms in a so-called “Zeeman slower”, is characterized by two special features which are: (i) a close coupling between simulations and experiments using a nozzle beam of metastable argon atoms, (ii) the use in the simulations of a Monte-Carlo (MC) scheme aimed at analysing step by step (i.e. subsequent cycles of absorption-emission) the slowing process and describing in a realistic way atom random walks due to the spontaneous emission. It allows us to get calculated 2D images and radial profiles of the slowed beam, in good agreement with experiment. Other important characteristics as angular aperture, velocity spreads, coherence radius (not easy to be measured experimentally), etc. also result from the simulation. Since the 3D atomic motion within the laser field is considered, border effects can be studied, while they were not directly accessible in a simple radiative force model. It is finally shown that the experimental characteristics of the slowed beam are reproduced by the calculated ones, assuming a point- like source. In general a laser beam is an efficient tool to manipulate the atomic motion and its interaction with atoms can be accurately characterized by means of the present MC-code. Actually any configuration combining resonant light and atoms is relevant (provided that the semi-classical approximation is valid), in particular the use of a “pushing” laser to generate a slow atomic beam from a magneto-optical trap is a technique which has been successfully tested with metastable argon atoms. Here again the MC-code has been able to accurately predict the characteristics of the generated beam.


New associate editors in EPJ AP

EPJ Applied Physics has appointed some new associate editors over the last two months and we are very pleased to introduce our new team and their expertise.

EPJAP now stands poised to continue its original goal to become an influential international journal. The recently appointed editors will contribute to its progress with new ideas and perspectives. They are all professional, outstanding scientist who have a vast experience and are strongly motivated towards excellence. We expect that the new editorial board will increase the benefits of the EPJAP's readers and authors even further in the future.


Virginie SERIN and Luis VINA new Co-Editors-in-Chief of EPJ Applied Physics

EPJAP is pleased to announce the appointment of Prof. Virginie Serin and Prof. Luis Viña as the journal’s new co-Editors-in-Chief. They will form an interdisciplinary leadership team for the journal.

Prof Virginie Serin and Prof Luis Viña’s terms begin on January 1, 2015. They are replacing Bernard Drévillon, who had served as Editor-in-Chief since the beginning of 2003. The new team will do its best to continue to build on the great work that their predecessor Bernard Drévillon has achieved during his term to further increase the global reach of the Journal, and to promote and encourage the recent progresses in the field of Applied Physics.


Managing Editors
Sandrine Karpe and Vijala Kiruvanayagam (EDP Sciences) and Sabine Lehr (Springer-Verlag)
Dear Isabelle, dear Ms. Lehr,
We want to express our sincere thanks to you for your outstanding work perfectly in time.

Kerstin Eckert, TU Dresden, Germany
on behalf of the other Editors EPJ Special Topics 220, 2013

ISSN: 1951-6355 (Print Edition)
ISSN: 1951-6401 (Electronic Edition)

© EDP Sciences and Springer-Verlag